Rehearsal Arts

About Rehearsal Arts

Bill Brett
We have created SingleParts to help you master your music. We are dedicated to producing SingleParts with the highest quality standards and uncompromising attention to detail. Bill Brett Founder

How is SingleParts made?

  • We start with a licensed recording of a major choral work that we send to our Grammy winning studio, Sound/Mirror in Boston.
  • That file is put into their recording computers for use as a background and support context for our teaching singers.
  • Each of our teaching singers then records their voice part in the studio.

Our "teaching singers" are professional singers from the Boston area. The recording process is an intense combination of 12 different steps.

  • Then the studio edits, mixes and balances each of the teaching singer's recordings and syncs them with the underlying commercial recording track to produce a master recording for each individual voice part.
  • As a last step we create the User Guide for the CD version of the title that lists all the tracks, which chorus or section they contain, and the page/measure reference for one or more frequently used scores. The tracks and chorus or section identification is part of the mp3 that can be downloaded.
  • This title is then released, added to our catalog and website ready to help conductors and singers master the music for a great performance.
  • Rehearsal Arts' objective is to produce choral learning CDs and mp3 files that are as correct as possible to give the learning singer a solid sense of their part, in the context of a full performance.
  • While the process is expensive, our users believe it is worth the effort and cost and had kept us the GOLD STANDARD for classical choral learning aid industry since the beginning of the 21st century!

Each session in this process usually uses 3 takes to assure accuracy and quality. The raw recording is edited and mixed to include the best of each take and to ensure that the teaching singer is clearly heard.

What is SingleParts™ Choral Learning Aid

SingleParts is the ultimate "woodshedding" tool. Our objective is to help singers in a chorus learn their notes, rhythms and words outside of rehearsal, on their own, so that the conductor can spend rehearsal time fine tuning and polishing for performance.

On each SingleParts title you hear the professional "teaching singer" sing your part clearly and as perfectly as possible with a background underlay of a licensed performance recording with full orchestra, chorus and soloists.

After all the choral portions we add StudySpots™ for these difficult sections fugues, fast tempo– passages and/or those with especially challenging note intervals or rhythms, sections are slowed between 15% and 50% to help you easily learn the parts more quickly. The slowed tracks are immediately followed by the same passage back at performance tempo to allow switching back and forth until you can easily sing the passage at the proper tempo.

The CD's jewel box includes an important printed two or three page insert, the User Guide for that CD. This guide lists all the tracks and cites the chorus movement on each track, including the page numbers and measure numbers, if appropriate, for the scores most often used for the work.

Numbers and identification for each track are included in the downloaded mp3 files. It was not possible to include information for the various scores.